[ Your Association Name Goes Here ]
c/o Affinity Property Services Processing Center
P.O. Box 96244
Las Vegas, NV 89193-6244
Always write the complete account number on the front of your check
If you use online bill pay make sure to change the payment address field in the 'pay to section'
along with the account no. section. (Please use the complete NEW account number.)
Do not send or mail payments to our management office as payments are not processed on site.
(Only use the Las Vegas address for mailing payments)
This will only delay prompt posting of your payment and may subject your account
to late fees if paying near the end of the month.
Personal checks, cashier checks, money orders, online bill pay, and credit card payments through our website: are all acceptable methods of payment. We do not accept cash.
Make the check payable to your association and not Affinity Property Services, Inc.
CHANGES AS OF 9-1-2019
We have transitioned to a new payment processing system and lock box provider.
Payments thru our website and current payment service provider will no longer be accepted after 9-30-19.
If you are set up on ACH auto debit thru Affinity your September payment will not be debited and you must mail in your payment to the Las Vegas payment address listed above.
We will be mailing information on our new payment service provider and new web portal by Sept. 15, 2019 along with instructions on how to set up alternative payment options such as e checks, debit / credit cards, and recurring payments.
This will allow you to view your acct. balance, make payments, and have access to community updates.
Thank you for your cooperation as these key reminders will help secure timely posting of your payments .
Any questions please call the management office for assistance at 714.505.5400